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Weekly Thought 4/30-5/7: “Glory”

THE WORD FOR THIS WEEK IS: “Glory”. The thought for this week is: The Glory of God. If you are like most Oklahoman’s, you have come to appreciate the Thunderstorms that roll across our land. And, despite the fury of the storms, we understand their power and their beauty. How often have you been awakened…

Weekly Thought 4/23-29: “Holy”

THE WORD FOR THIS WEEK IS: “Holy”. The thought for this week is: Holy, Holy God. When you were young, what were some of the issues of the day that prompted you to “rebel” against your parents or teachers in school? What punishments, if any, were handed out? In considering these, think about the issues…

Weekly Thought 4/9-4/15: “Provide”

The word for this week is: “Provide”. The thought for this week is: Ours is the God who provides. Have you ever had to bear the pain of separation in your life? Perhaps it was the first time you left a child with the sitter, or dropped them off for the first time for Kindergarten…

Weekly Thought Apr 2-8: Yahweh

THE WORD FOR THIS WEEK IS: “Yahweh”. The thought for this week is: God’s name is Yahweh. The many names of God that we find in the Bible are actually descriptive titles. The name he has revealed to his people is Yahweh or as in many bible versions, Jehovah. He is the “I AM”, which…

Weekly Thought Mar 5 – 11: God Forgives

The Word for this week is: Forgive The Thought for this week is: God forgives             Unfortunately, sinning is a universal experience of mankind. (Eccl. 7:20; Rom. 3:23.)   Fortunately though, we serve a God who willingly extends His grace to all and forgives.   When God presented His qualities to Moses in Exodus chapter 34, verse…

Hurricane Matthew Relief – Letter from Ken Bever

Dear Britton Road brethren, Hurricane Matthew caused the worst humanitarian crisis in Haiti since the devastating earthquake of 2010. In the southern peninsula, homes were shredded by the 145-mile-per-hour winds and families throughout the country lost rooftops. Additionally, food shortages and water contamination threatened to bring disease and starvation. Our prayerful goal was to deliver…

Weekly Thought Feb 19-25: Lovingkindness

The Word for the week is: Lovingkindness The Thought for the week is:  God’s abundant lovingkindness endures forever. God used a hyphenated word to describe His fourth quality to Moses: abundant-lovingkindness.  (Ex. 34: 6.)  The Hebrew word “chesed” is one of the most used words in the Old Testament to describe God’s character.  The best…