Weekly Thought Feb 19-25: Lovingkindness

The Word for the week is: Lovingkindness

The Thought for the week is:  God’s abundant lovingkindness endures forever.

God used a hyphenated word to describe His fourth quality to Moses: abundant-lovingkindness.  (Ex. 34: 6.)  The Hebrew word “chesed” is one of the most used words in the Old Testament to describe God’s character.  The best text for understanding the significance of this word is Psalms 136.  In that chapter the word is used twenty-six times to proclaim that God’s kindness and love are eternal.   His lovingkindness is so wide that it spans the whole universe from beginning to end.

As Psalm 136 demonstrates, God’s lovingkindness is abundant, exceedingly great, without end, and very good.   As one writer said: “we never have to worry that God will run out of love because it flows from a well that will never run dry.”  Because of this, we know that God will always be committed to our spiritual well-being.  Let us memorize and praise God through the following verse: “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.” (Psalm 136: 1)

By Ron Bever