Britton Road News (Page 8)

Latest announcements and opportunities for service.

Pray in the Name of Jesus

PRAY IN THE “NAME OF JESUS” “Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask anything in my name, He will give it to you.” Jesus. (John 16:23) As believers, we are to pray “in the name of Jesus.” (John 14:13-14; 15:16; 16:23). This phrase, “in the name of Jesus” should not be hurried through…

Arnold/Reeves Shower

Everyone is invited (guys included) to a wedding shower for Aaron Reeves and Arielle Arnold on Saturday, July 13th at 10:30 in Britton Road fellowship room. They are registered at Amazon and Target. Please see Laura Merrill or Fern Taylor with any questions.


H. E. Johnmeyer passed away on June 4 in Dallas, Texas. H. E. attended Britton Road for several years while he lived in Oklahoma City. He was quite faithful to attend Bible classes on Sunday morning. H. E. knew the Bible quite well and often asked thought-provoking questions of the teacher. H. E. sat in…

Summer Reading Program

The Summer Reading Program has begun – please go by the church library to get your kids signed up to read this summer for prizes. Please see Susan Simpkins if you have any questions.

Baby Furniture and Accessories Available

There are several baby items in our storage closet in the new class room area that if anyone has a new baby or grandbaby that you might be able to use any of these items, we would love for you to have them. There is a changing table, a port-a-crib, a little infant chair and…

May 2019 Update from Brother Elmera

January-March 2019 Report JeanT.Elmera Jtelmera Why is Haiti so poor? During the past 33 years Ihave had the privilege of traveling all over Haiti. I believe there are three major reasons why Haiti is so poor. 1. Due to our geographic location, our country hasbeen devastated by hurricanes, earthquakes and disease. 2.  The country…

Men’s Retreat

A Men’s Retreat is set for May 11th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm, please mark your calendars and plan to attend. The location is Bickham-Rudkin Park Pavilion in Edmond, OK. It is just east of Boulevard St. on 33rd Street on the East side of the dog park on the South side of 33rd behind Mardel’s