Britton Road News (Page 7)

Latest announcements and opportunities for service.

9/6: Singing Night

There will be an evening of singing at the home of Jerry and Becky Durham, scheduled for Friday, September 6, at 6:30 p.m. Please bring a finger food, snack, or dessert if you wish. Songbooks will be provided. Please see either Jerry or Becky for directions to their house.

New Ladies’ Class

A new Women’s Bible Class will begin Wednesday, September 4th at 7:00pm in classroom #11. We plan to combine a study of 2 Cor., God Has a Mission for You, with some outreach service projects. Please sign up on the paper in the foyer by Sunday, August 25th to order books, any questions please see…

9/6: Singing Night

There will be an evening of singing at the home of Jerry and Becky Durham, scheduled for Friday, September 6, at 6:30 p.m. Please bring a finger food, snack, or dessert if you wish. Songbooks will be provided. Please see either Jerry or Becky for directions to their house.

Freezer Cleanout

There is 12 lbs of sausage that was left in the freezer in the kitchen, it has been moved to another freezer, but if no one claims this it will be used for Meals on Wheels. There seems to be quite a bit of food items that end up in the fridge or the freezer…

Orphan Care Sunday

Britton Road members opened their hearts to the needs of our orphan children in Haiti last Sunday and gave a total of $6988.08 (111.08 were coins largely given by our children.) Our 84 orphaned children in the two orphan homes we are sure will “thank us”. This money will not only provide a better quality…

Bereavement Support Group

A Bereavement Support Group will be meeting here at the building on Tuesday night from 6:30 to 8:00pm starting on August 20th and will run thru October 8th. There are flyers in the foyer with more information or you may call 405-735-5121 with any questions.

8/11: Orphan Care Sunday

Our children are asked to start saving coins in preparation for Orphan Care Sunday, August 11. A July calendar has been given to our Britton Road children as a reminder of the needs of Haitian children. In case your child did not get a calendar, extra copies are in the foyer. A special contribution will…

7/9 – 7/12: Mission Britton

Our 7th-12th grade students will be serving within our congregation and within our community July 8-11. We are calling the week Mission Britton. If you are in need of help around your house or yard, our students will be setting aside that Monday morning, July 8, to help you out in any way they can.…

8/10: “Parents, Let’s Talk About Sex”

Join us in the fellowship room for 8/10: “Parents, Let’s Talk About Sex”, Aug. 10th 1pm-4:30pm. Expert Liz McElroy will educate on healthy sexuality to equip parents and guardians with kids of all ages. Childcare must be RSVP’d. Please see Frost’s or Craig’s with any questions.