Ladies’ Bible Class on Zoom Wednesday @ 8:00PM
We are restarting our Wednesday night Ladies Bible Class using Zoom on Wednesday evenings. The time for the Wednesday night Ladies Class has been moved ahead one hour (start on Zoom at 8:00 p.m.) to accommodate the young mothers in the class who need time to get their children to bed. It also will accommodate…
10/5: Ladies Day
Ladies, you are invited to Putnam City Church of Christ Ladies Day on Saturday, October 5th beginning at 10:00am. The theme is “Gods People Four Score and More”. They will conclude with a lunch and they do have childcare for 6 and under. There is a flyer on the table in the foyer.
9/28: Ladies’ Day at North MacArthur
North MacArthur Church of Christ will have a Ladies Day on September 28th from 9:00am to 12pm. The theme is Redeeming the Time, they will also have a lunch following for $5.00.
New Ladies’ Class
A new Women’s Bible Class will begin Wednesday, September 4th at 7:00pm in classroom #11. We plan to combine a study of 2 Cor., God Has a Mission for You, with some outreach service projects. Please sign up on the paper in the foyer by Sunday, August 25th to order books, any questions please see…
4/27: Ladies’ Day at Southern Oaks
Please join the women of the Southern Oaks church of Christ on Saturday, April 27th for a special Ladies’ Day. The theme will be “Spring Cleaning for the Heart and Soul”. There is a flyer on the table in the foyer.
12/5: New Ladies’ Class Begins
Ladies, we will be starting a new ladies Bible class on Wednesday, Dec. 5. We will be using the study “Our Father in Heaven…Teach us to Pray” by Cassandra Martin. The books will be $15. We do have a limited number of the books available and will pass them out the first night of class.…
10/13: Ladies’ Brunch
Ladies, please join us on October 13th at the church building for a ladies brunch from 10am-12pm. Please bring a brunch dish of your choice to share and bring a picture of you as a baby!
9/28 – Ladies’ Retreat in Iowa Park, TX
There is a TX/OK Ladies Retreat September 28-30th in Iowa Park, Texas. The theme is Renew My Spirit and the registration fee is $145.00. Please see Annette Turner with any questions or call 580-512-2284.