'Seminar' tagged posts

3/1: Affirming the Faith Seminar

The Affirming the Faith Seminar will be Friday and Saturday, March 1st and 2nd at the North MacArthur Church of Christ. There are flyers on the tables in the foyer with the schedule and list of speakers. Everyone is invited to this seminar that is designed to promote unity, affirm faith and equip God’s people…

4/8: “Risk-Free Drivers Seminar” by Gary Barnett

 Save the Date: Sunday, April 8, 2018, 1 P.M.-3:30 P.M., Britton Road Church of Christ, “Risk-Free Driver’s Seminar” by Gary Barnett. Gary is a nationally-known speaker for giving this seminar to leading corporations in America.  Don’t miss this event!  It may save your life!