Here’s the latest from Morgan Nash in Florence, Italy Morgan Nash Newsletter 12 2014
Here’s the latest from Morgan Nash in Florence, Italy Morgan Nash Newsletter 12 2014
Dear Christian friends, I am attaching the recent 2014 Haitian summary report that I received from Bro. Elmera. Thanks for your continued prayers and support of this work. Brother Jeantyrard Elmera – 2014 Summary Report In Christian love, Ron Bever For the elders, Britton Road Church of Christ Jeantyrard Elmera – [email protected]
Click on the link below to read Morgan’s newsletter from Italy for October 2014. Avanti Italia Newsletter October 2014
Morgan has sent us her first newsletter from Italy! Avanti Italia Newsletter Fall 2014
Morgan Nash will head to Italy in September to study the Bible while teaching English as a second language. She will be posting regular newsletters to this site. Check back here for more updates, and continue to pray for Morgan’s work. Morgan Nash Newsletter August 2014 And you can learn more about the Avanti Italia…
Greetings to all our friends and supporters. God continues to smile on us. We received the good news that the Ministry of Public Health granted the school of nursing that meets in our building in later afternoons an official license to operate as a School of Nursing. This service which we provide for the community…
Thank you for staying and attending the Nicaragua Fund Raiser Lunch last Sunday. If you did not have a chance to make a donation for the purchase of rice and beans for the upcoming mission trip you may give that to Jerry Durham or one of the Elders this week.
New Mexico Service Mission – 2010 from Nathan Frisk on Vimeo.
Below is the most recent report from Brother Elmera. The elders at Britton Road on Feb. 8, wired the church at Delmas 28, $15,000 to help provide for the immediate needs of food, water and shelter for these 300 Christians now meeting at the two “camps” in Port-au-Prince. We are in contact with the Delmas…