Use this category for any post that should appear on the front page of the website. Then apply additional categories as needed.
Use this category for any post that should appear on the front page of the website. Then apply additional categories as needed.
The word for this week is: “Relationship“. The thought for this week is: Made in his image, our intimate relationship with God determines the impact of our lives. Orienteering is a pioneering skill where a compass is used to chart a course. At the beginning of any journey we must set out in the right…
The word for this week is: “Life”. The thought for this week is: God is the Lord of Life. What is it you cannot live without? What if God asked you to give it up? Would you be able to? Whatever it is, maybe you should consider how tight a hold it actually has on…
The word for this week is: “Energy“. The thought for this week is: God provides the energy for our work. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God (Eccl 2:24). This verse is a bit…
The word for this week is “Power” The thought this week is: God is All-Powerful God’s Power is inherent in His own nature. He does not derive His Power from any other source. God demonstrated His Power when He created our universe by speaking it into existence. (Psalms 33: 6-9.) Scientists estimate there are billions…
Report of Jeantyrard Elmera, Port of Prince, Haiti July 17, 2017 From April –June 2017 We conducted a series of Gospel Meetings from the Delmas 28 church to the central part of Haiti (Hinche, Carrisasade, and St Michel). Many people came to these meetings as result of our T. V. and radio broadcasts in Port…
The word for this week is “Giving“. The thought for this week is: We cannot out give God. Giving is an outgrowth of our faith. It is one of those subjects that is hard to talk about, particularly when it comes to sermons on tithing and generosity as it is often deemed to be too…
The Word for this week is: “Shield” The Thought for this week is: God is our Shield. At least 15 times in the Old Testament God is described as “our Shield”. God said to Abraham, “Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield, your very great reward.” (Gen. 15: 1.) Later David praises God and…
The Word for This Week Is: “Thoughts”. The Thought for This Week Is: Memorizing God’s Word is good for the soul. Memorizing and ruminating on the Fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5 is good for the soul. When we select passages of scripture to memorize, we are communicating to God that we are taking…
The word for this week is: “Blesses”. The thought for this week is: God blesses us so we can bless others. Does your love of God motivate you to serve others and does your relationship with Him inspire you to services just as He has done for you? This is a truth that we must…
The Word for This Week Is: “Will”. The Thought for This Week Is: God’s Will be done. Do you know what God’s will is for your life? This is a good question but do you have an answer? If He would just tell us what He wants us to do. Maybe you have an understanding…
THE WORD FOR THIS WEEK IS: “Sovereign”. The thought for this week is: The Sovereign Power of God. Most of us have dreams on a regular basis, most of which are quickly forgotten. It seems that only the most startling or unusual ones are the ones we remember. The prophet Daniel had a whopper one…
Registration for VBS 2017 is open! Please use the link below to let us know how many children will be attending. Register Here