All News (Page 12)

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10/9: Heartbeat for Hope Dinner and Silent Auction

On October 9th, 2018 at 6PM, Heartbeat for Hope will be celebrating 10 Years of partnership with Village of Hope children’s village in Ghana, West Africa with a dinner and silent auction at the Will Rogers Theatre! Education is of vital importance for the children of Ghana, providing a gateway out of destitution and slavery…

9/29 – Hope Harbor Open House, Fish Fry & Auction

Hope Harbor Children’s Home will have their annual Open House, Fish Fry & Auction on Saturday, September 29th. There are lots of activities for the kids with fried catfish and BBQ with all the fixings. There is a flyer on the table in the foyer. All Britton Road Families are invited to a fun-filled evening…

10/28: Trunk or Treat

All Britton Road Families are invited to a fun-filled evening of safe trick-or-treating from car to car in the Britton Road parking lot on Sunday, October 28th from 6-8pm. Hot chocolate and candy will be provided. If you don’t want to do a trunk, but still would like to help, we need a few people…

Construction Continues

As you can see we are under construction again! Yea…Progress!! It should just be for a few more weeks so please stay out of that area and use the bathrooms in the education wing. Thank you.

Hope Harbor Open House and Donations

Hope Harbor Children’s Home will have their annual Open House, Fish Fry & Auction on Saturday, September 29th. There are lots of activities for the kids with fried catfish and BBQ with all the fixings. There is a flyer on the table in the foyer. We are also taking donations for the Hope Harbor Food…

8/12: Orphan Care Sunday

ORPHAN CARE SUNDAY, AUG. 12 Our children are asked to start saving coins in preparation for Orphan Care Sunday, August 12. A special contribution will be taken that Sunday to support the 84 orphan children we have in the two orphanages in Haiti—Cazeau and Thomazeau. This contribution will help meet the needs of food, clean…


MEN’S TEACHER TRAINING CLASS TO START, WED., APRIL 11~ All men of the congregation are asked to consider coming to the Men’s Teacher Training Class, starting a week from Wednesday night, April 11, In Room 11.   We need more men teachers and assistant teachers both in our adult classes and in our children’s classes.  Also, if you…

5/2 New Ladies Class on Wednesday

We will be starting a new ladies class on Wednesday evening, May 2.  We will be using the book Immeasurably More by Cassandra Martin,  this a study of Ephesians.  The book is $12.  If you have any questions, please see Doris Bever or Suzie Buskey.