Britton Road News (Page 13)

Latest announcements and opportunities for service.

5/2 New Ladies Class on Wednesday

We will be starting a new ladies class on Wednesday evening, May 2.  We will be using the book Immeasurably More by Cassandra Martin,  this a study of Ephesians.  The book is $12.  If you have any questions, please see Doris Bever or Suzie Buskey.

4/21 Women’s Workshop

Ladies are invited to the Southwest Church of Christ 52nd Annual Christian Women’s Workshop on Saturday, April 21st, beginning at 9:00am.  The theme is “We have an anchor…”.  A salad luncheon will be provided, call 405-378-3939 to reserve your spot.

Womens Brunch

Ladies, we are having a Brunch with a special speaker on Saturday, April 28th from 10am to noon in the Fellowship Room.  Rhonda Martin will be our guest speaker.  Rhonda is a former member here and will be talking about ways she has learned to share her faith with friends. This will be a beneficial lesson that will encourage us…


Britton Road will serve as an official water stop for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon on April 29th, 2018. Volunteers are needed to sing, serve, and set up between 6:30 AM and 10:00 AM. Please come as early as you can.

4/8: “Risk-Free Drivers Seminar” by Gary Barnett

 Save the Date: Sunday, April 8, 2018, 1 P.M.-3:30 P.M., Britton Road Church of Christ, “Risk-Free Driver’s Seminar” by Gary Barnett. Gary is a nationally-known speaker for giving this seminar to leading corporations in America.  Don’t miss this event!  It may save your life!

3/23: Newcomer’s Dinner

We will have a “Newcomer’s Dinner” on Friday, March 23rd, at 7:00pm.  This is for any and all new members here at Britton Road over the last couple of years.  If you are able to come please sign up on the “sign-up sheets” out in the foyer.

Weekly Thought 12/3-12/9/17: Community

The word for this week is: “Community”. The thought for this week is: “One of the purposes of Christ’s death was to create a new community, whose members would belong to him.” Often times, we tend to view the cross in an individualistic way. We focus on what he did for me. However, one of…

Weekly Thought 11/19-11/25/17: Revelation

The word for this week is: “Revelation”. The thought for this week is: “Christ’s cross must be seen as a Revelation as well as salvation.” As human beings, we disclose the nature of our character by our actions. In a similar way, the achievement of Christ’s cross is a revelation of the character of God.…

Weekly Thought 10/29 -11/4/17: Justified

The word for the week is:  “Justified”. The thought for this week is: “God is Holy and just, man is sinful and under judgment; however, we are justified by faith in Jesus.” Many times over the course of life, we are faced with situations that do not have an easy solution. This is especially true for…

10/29: Trunk or Treat

We will be hosting “Trunk or Treat” here in the church parking lot on Sunday evening, October 29th, beginning around 5:30pm.  If you would like to help with this please see Travis Frost, they will have a sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer to sign up.