Posts by admin (Page 2)

10/15: Work Day

A Work Day has been set for Saturday, October 15th (this was originally set for October 8th but has been changed to the 15th) here at the building.  We will plan to start at 9:00am.  Please plan to come and help with some jobs to be done.  If you have any questions, please see Rollo Redburn or Jeff Hicks.

Nursery assistants needed

We are ready to restaff our nursery during our Sunday morning worship time.  If you would be willing to serve as a nursery assistant on a rotating basis, please let us know.  There are sign-up sheets on the table in the foyer or you can contact the church office and Annette will get you on the list. …

Ladies’ Bible Class

Ladies Bible Class has moved to Saturday morning.  Starting Saturday, August 13th, the Ladies will continue their Bible Study at 10:30am in the first new classroom across from the kitchen.  This will run every other Saturday, the next class will meet this Saturday, August 27th and then on September 10th.

Men’s Retreat Sep 9 & 10

There is a Men’s Retreat on September 9th and 10th thru the Central Church of Christ.  If you are interested and need information, please contact Jacob Cleverdon at 405-543-8393.

Blizzard Boxes

If you would like to help with the Blizzard Boxes for the shut-ins and people on our Meals on Wheels route you can go to the link below to see what items are needed to be brought to the church building by Wednesday, December 8th. If anyone has questions please contact Jessica Craig.

Area-wide worship

There will be an End of the Year Area-Wide worship service on Wednesday, December 29th at 7:00 pm at the Edmond Church of Christ (801 South Bryant). Phil Brookman the preaching minister for the Memorial Road congregation will be the speaker. We would like to encourage everyone to attend.

Nicaragua Mission

Jeff Hicks will have a short information meeting concerning a mission trip to Nicaragua on Sunday, December 12th, immediately following morning worship in the fellowship room. It will be very short and is for anyone that might be interested in this trip.

Volunteer Workers Needed

We still have a few jobs around the building, if you would like to help out with them please let either Jeff Hicks or Annette Redburn know.  We can match you to a project befitting your skills.  Thank you!