Hope Harbor Children’s Home will have their annual Open House, Fish Fry & Auction on Saturday, September 29th. There are lots of activities for the kids with fried catfish and BBQ with all the fixings. There is a flyer on the table in the foyer.
All Britton Road Families are invited to a fun-filled evening of safe trick-or-treating from car to car in the Britton Road parking lot on Sunday, October 28th from 6-8pm. Hot chocolate and candy will be provided. If you don’t want to do a trunk, but still would like to help, we need a few people to supervise games and hot chocolate. Please make note on the sign-up sheet if you would like to help with those things. This is a community event so invite your friends, neighbors, and family! Sign-up list for trunks and handouts are on the info table. Last year we made contact with over 150 children! Let’s shoot for even more this year! If you have any questions or need trunk ideas see Piper Frost.
Nursery Help Needed
As members of BRCC we are always happy to see others bring their children with them to our assembly. But sometimes the younger ones, and perhaps parents, need a break. That’s why we provide a nursery staffed by volunteers who are always happy to help. Rhonda Barnache has been organizing and coordinating the nursery and volunteers for years. We cannot thank her enough for the wonderful way she has cared for our little ones over that time. She is asking for help from us now, to begin training a replacement to fill the position. Caring for our children is a most important and critical service. Please consider volunteering for this role and help our congregation by serving parents and their young children in a meaningful way by being in charge of staffing our nursery. We would like to complete the transition by the end of December, 2018.
Rhonda, Thank You!!
Contact David Marshall for more details.