The word for this week is: “Revelation”.
The thought for this week is: “Christ’s cross must be seen as a Revelation as well as salvation.”
As human beings, we disclose the nature of our character by our actions. In a similar way, the achievement of Christ’s cross is a revelation of the character of God. God has shown himself to us in the death of his Son.
In the Old Testament, God’s glory was revealed in nature and in history. We see it in the things he has created in all of the universe. We also see it in the nation of Israel as his redeemed nation. In Exodus 40:34-35 we see God’s glory filled the tabernacle in the wilderness. In I Kings 8:10-11, his majesty is again displayed as his glory filled the temple in Jerusalem.
Read John 1:1-18. In these few verses, we see a presentation of Jesus that will lay the foundation of John’s gospel. Jesus’ glory is manifested through his miracles and signs and especially so in his humility and weakness. In this short reading, notice how many times the words or phrases having to do with knowledge or revelation appear. Are you able to see the communication of God’s love for mankind? Christ is called the true light in verse 9. Does this suggest there is a false light? Notice in verse 14 how the glory of God is revealed in a new and powerful way. Finally, in verse 18, we see a statement that Christ has made God known. In what sense have you come to know God? What are the implications of these few verses for your own life?
This week, reflect on how God is revealed in the cross of Christ. Memorize and pray through the following: “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. (John 1:18)
Prayer: Father in Heaven, again we come to you with thanksgiving in our hearts. Thankful that you have allowed us to come to know you through Christ. We pray that we will continue to grow in our knowledge of Jesus and therefore have revealed to us your perfect will. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
By Rory Barneche