The word for this week is: “Energy“.
The thought for this week is: God provides the energy for our work.
A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own toil. This too, I see, is from the hand of God (Eccl 2:24). This verse is a bit overwhelming, especially if our daily work does not seem that fulfilling. The thing is, a great many things we do are thankless and often tiring. Even those of us who really like our job have difficulties and frustrations along the way. How do you feel about the work you do each day. Whatever it is, God expects us to do our best at it. The awareness of our God can energize us in our daily work.
Read Deut. 20:1-4. What kind of assignment did God guarantee that Israel would face? Why might the people of Israel be terrified and discouraged? What did God promise he would do for them? Now read Deut. 11: 7-12 and understand why God was giving them the command to stay focused on Him at this critical time. Israel was right in being afraid and knowing that they could not conquer the promised land on their own. That is why it was important for them to look to God for courage and strength.
Think back in your life to the worst jobs that you have ever had to do. Why were they so terrible? Conclude by reading Genesis 39:20-23. What do you imagine Joseph’s life was like while in prison? Why did the keeper of the prison have such confidence in him?
So, how can we stay motivated and honor God in our work? Joseph did it by remembering that God was with him no matter what happened. He set his heart to serving God faithfully no matter if he was in the palace or in prison. Like Joseph, you may not know why God has allowed the difficulties we face in our labors. We must understand that our life goals may not align with God’s plan for us. Whether it is a battle with an enemy, a daunting task at work or some personal crisis to overcome, God is with us. He is our energy, or strength, our wisdom and our creativity. Do your best for his sake and allow him to work through you. Meditate and pray through the following scripture: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Col. 3: 23-24)
Father in heaven, you have blessed in every way. Even in our labor we draw strength from your presence. Please continue to bless us that we might be your servant. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
By Rory Barneche