Weekly Thought 5/7 – 5/13/17: “Sovereign”


The thought for this week is: The Sovereign Power of God.

Most of us have dreams on a regular basis, most of which are quickly forgotten. It seems that only the most startling or unusual ones are the ones we remember. The prophet Daniel had a whopper one night and recalled every detail the next morning. The dream was about four great beasts that emerged from the storm-tossed sea, each one more frightening than the prior one. No one could control them or their violent attacks.

Then Daniel saw something even more astonishing which changed everything. The Sovereign God of the universe on his flaming throne took his place of judgment. Instead of the world being out of control, he saw a powerful God in complete control. Are there situations in your life where you wonder where God is and if he really is in control?

Begin by reading Daniel 7: 1-14. The forth beast that Daniel sees is the most terrifying and the one that triggers the unveiling of the Sovereign God. Imagine if you will, the emotions of Daniel during his dream. Look back through the text and note the references to “Ancient of Days”. What aspects of God ‘s character are revealed in these words? Also, note the descriptions Daniel uses of God’s clothing, hair, throne and the attendants on hand. Here we have a scene revealing God’s sovereign authority over the kingdoms of this earth and how a new kingdom will replace them.

Jesus used Daniel 7:13 to reveal himself as the divine “son of man” who would return someday in power and majesty over the new Kingdom. (Matt 26:64). Knowing this, we can now ask what steps can we take to remind ourselves in times of doubt and worry of the authority of God to rule and overrule in our world.

Pray through the following Scripture and strive to memorize Daniel 7:14, “He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, we thank you for this day. We ask that you give us a true appreciation for your sovereign reign in our lives. In times of doubt, help us to know that you are the one who is in control. We humbly submit ourselves in a fresh way to Jesus as our King and thank you for the salvation that is our through Him. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

By Rory Barneche